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Understand Our Methodologies.

CleanFintech's credit rating product utilizes an intricate and multi-faceted methodology comprising of four key areas: the Smart Method, Isomorphic Method, Entity Method, and Comparability.

1. Smart Method

This method leverages the power of advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms to scrutinize a wealth of data. These intelligent algorithms have the ability to identify patterns, trends, and relationships that might go unnoticed in traditional credit rating methodologies. This enhanced capability is what gives the Smart Method its edge. Moreover, it facilitates real-time updates, thereby making the credit ratings more accurate and responsive. The real-time updates allow for immediate reflection of any changes in the financial status of an entity, ensuring that the credit ratings are always current and reliable.

2. Isomorphic Method

The Isomorphic Method is an innovative approach that identifies similarities and differences between various financial entities by mapping their financial structures in a multidimensional space. This method is not just about comparison, but rather about understanding the financial health and resilience of an entity in relation to others. The multidimensional mapping allows for a more comprehensive view of the entities' financial health, providing an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses from multiple perspectives.

3. Entity Method

The Entity Method takes a deep and comprehensive look at an entity's financial statements, its market position, competitive landscape, and the overall health of the industry. This method is designed to provide a thorough understanding of the entity's financial health and its ability to meet financial obligations. Furthermore, the Entity Method does not just consider the current financial state of the entity, but also its future prospects. It factors in the competitive landscape and the overall health of the industry to make a more rounded assessment of the entity's ability to meet its financial obligations.

4. Comparability

The Comparability method involves juxtaposing the entity's financial performance with that of its peers and the industry average. This comparative analysis is crucial in contextualizing the entity's performance. It provides a benchmark against which the entity's performance can be evaluated. Furthermore, the Comparability method also identifies potential risks and opportunities, making it a valuable resource for entities seeking to improve their financial performance.

Linking these steps provides a comprehensive, robust and reliable framework for rigorous, systematic and continuous credit ratings. 

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